algorithms library




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1·The idea of adaptive data fusion algorithm , the composition of rules set, algorithms library and the realization of adaptive algorithm are described in detail.
2·As the system's "software bus", CORBA connects the stage of flight simulation modeling environment and the long-distance model warehouse and algorithms library.
3·The structure designment of diagnostic inference module, data base, knowledge base and algorithms library is discussed, and the function of each diagnostic module is analyzed.
4·The MIT group of researchers are now working on improvements to the recognition and tracking algorithms with the aim of building up an expanded command library.
5·Specifying computations using generic algorithms provides a natural opportunity for library implementations to exploit parallelism in the problem space.
6·Parallel programming is not just a new library or a new set of language features. It is a new way of designing and programming, and often requires new algorithms.
7·Our algorithms match up books with readers based on the other books in their library-putting books in the hands of people who will likely enjoy them.
8·Some of the search algorithms in the blessed Boost Graph Library use this technique.
Boost Graph库中的某些搜索算法使用了这项技术。
9·The GNU linear Programming Kit (GLPK) is a library of routines that use well-known operations research algorithms to solve linear problems.
GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK)是一个使用了众所周知的运筹学算法来解决线性问题的程序库。
10·SQL/MR is a special SQL MapReduce function library introduced by Aster that can be used to invoke map-reduce algorithms within the nCluster platform.
SQL/MR是由Aster引入的一个特殊的SQL MapReduce函数库,可在nCluster平台中用来调用map-reduce算法。